Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Never give up on a dream....

Dreams... not the ones you have while sleeping, but the dreams you have during the day with eyes wide open. A dream ....a wish your heart makes or a passion you chase.

I was outside last night with our dog and i looked up and the sky was so dark i could see thousands of stars. It made me think about the email i received from Neyvada's foster mother in Guatemala. Laura emailed me several days ago asking me to please write a letter to the U. S. Embassy -Guatemala ,requesting them to grant her a visiting visa. In her email she wrote" It has been my life long dream to visit the United States." I wondered if she was also wishing on one of those stars we shared.

We all have dreams... maybe to.. get married, to have a family, to be mom or a dad, to own a business, buy a house, travel somewhere..etc...With God's plan some of our dreams we can achieve by ourselves and some dreams need help from others, the people in our lives or the ones that cross our paths. I felt God's hands in helping me help someone elses dreams come true. A few were.. I helped a stranger (who became a best friend) that dreamed and desperately wanted to be a mom. I felt her tears and i helped her with the adoption process and she now has a beautiful daughter. A dream of parents of 10 children in Guatemla, wanted to be able to send them to school. With my help they were able to buy the school supplies they needed. One of my friends dreams to write a book, with nothing planned she packed up and move to New York City to chase her dream.

We all have dreams, big and small that we want to make happen . We all have it in us to take charge and help someone elses dreams come true even when they do not have hope and do not try. My heart goes out to those who do not have hope. It is an awesome feeling to have no regrets and go after your dreams or help someone achieve theirs. Even when you help that one ungrateful person, it still feels delightful that you did something out of the goodness of your heart and thank God for having great peace in that situation.

Like i wrote in "Don't Blink" you can not get "time" go after your dream and do not be afraid to ask for help. God puts Angels in our lives for a reason....( I mailed Laura's Embassy letter today:o) and we will pray her dream comes true....

Always Have a Dream (author ?)

Forget about the days when it's been cloudy, but don't forget your hours in the sun.

Forget about the times you've been defeated,but don't forget the victories you've won.

Forget about the mistakes that you can't change now, but don't forget the lessons.

Forget about the misfortunes you've encountered, but don't forget the times your luck has turned.

Forget about the days when you've been lonely, but don't forget the friendly smiles you've seen..

Foget the plans that didn't seem to work out right, but don't forget to always have a dream.


Anonymous said...

I love your insights or poems, i don't know how to call them. But it's true never give up on a dream. Some times, I do but God always sends me angels to remind me that. Thanks for being my friend and HERMANA! Love,

Doreen said...

Thanks espe, gregg and Marilu,
Friendships are a blessing .. thanks for being mine too:o)doreen