Saturday, February 16, 2008

Meet .. Anabella

Anabella . In the middle of Gabriela's adoption, (end of Aug 2003) ,Tami called and said the birthmother had another baby and she brought her to Hogar Cuna and they called us so there could be a chance to keep birth siblings together. She was a month old, born 7 weeks premature. Wow... that was a very unexpected phone call.. God had a very special plan for these 2 sisters to stay together. She was a beautiful baby girl. Gabi and Bella are only 9 months apart and look so much a like .

Anabella was born in Mixco Guatemala and lived in Hogar Cuna with Gabi. She was very sick for a while and was in the hospital and lived with missionaries until she was better. Bella came home at 14 months in Sept. 2004.She is such a sweet little girl that loves to be a helper at home and in school. She is my strong willed child and likes to do things for herself. Bella is in prek and loves it. She is taking speech therapy . She loves swimming and playing mommy with her dolls and sisters. She loves fruit snacks and cheese.We love you Bella!!!

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