Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Little Things............

Never neglect the little things.... when was the last time you said to the person in your life "thank you for being here and thank you for being yourself....."

Daily ( the key word is "daily") endeavors to offer a small unexpected gesture of love , respect and appreciation for someone is what keeps us close in heart....Little things go a long way to build strong relationship foundations...

little things like ..... through out the day hugs.., kisses , i love you's, ....comfort hugs when hurt or sick, cards just because, making their coffee, taking a river walk at midnight.., cuddles on the couch watching T.V. , find ways to help them know you are their partner in all areas of their life, never take for granted, show interests in what is important in their lives, have dinner / dancing nights out, back rubs, go to the gym together , hike a mountain , take a walk.... etc.....etc..

When the "rest of your life daily little efforts" are lost .......... we grow worlds apart...


Anonymous said...

I agree - never take a day or a relationship for granted. At the end of the day, what we do with our loved ones, what we do for our loved ones and what we say to our loved ones is what matters most and makes us smile. Life is an adventure - enjoy the ride! If the ride isn't fun and doesn't make you feel good - get off it.

Pedro and Felis Patlan said...

So true! Great post!

Anonymous said...

It's the little things that make ordinary become extraordinary. Cherish every gesture, and be thankful for them everyday. Always appreciate the little things. Go out of the way to say so. Most of all, enjoy even the littlest of things together. Start each day with love and end each day with thanks. Let no gift or gesture go unnoticed.

Doreen said...

thanks felis...HUGS to you and your family..