Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mountain Climbing....

Neyvada, Matteya, Betsy and I went mountain climbing ... first time for Matteya. She made it to the highest point , but had enough by then and she was not too happy that she had to turn around and come back down...... i made her walk all the way back down and told her what good exercise it is... I don't think she cared.. but Neyvada did great and led the way...


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful view. Remind me a little bit of Guatemala. Next time I go to visit you we have to climb that mountain. I am glad to know that Matteya and Nevyada made it. Matteya is a strong girl.

Doreen said...

Thanks Epse, Matteya is tough.. i know she will want to climb that mountain again:o) deffinately with you and Marilu:o) doreen