Thursday, April 24, 2008


I took Gabriela, Anabella, Matteya and Neyvada for new shoes this past week. Their feet grew and they all needed new shoes. I bought 4 pairs of new shoes. It was fun to buy new shoes. Except for Matteya, they were all a little picky about what shoes they wanted, but with all the many choices they finally decided and were happy.... On the way home it made me think about all the children in this world who do not have shoes, who can not just go to a store and purchase a pair or even be able to have the opportunity to have choices of what shoes they want..their parents can not afford a single pair of shoes, or all the children in the orphanage who share shoes if there are any to share or enough to go around, or the children and families who live in hut like houses or on the streets who may never have a pair of shoes or shoes that fit. We take so much for granted buying shoes, having food, a house , toys ,clothes, a car, work , family , friends etc... Having all the comforts that life has to offer us can make us ungrateful at times and we take these things and people in our lives for granted. Even moments in a new day is taken for granted . Taking things for granted (i am quilty too ) makes us lose the appreciation we should have for the people , material things and blessings in our lives. Being grateful is like opening a door and letting God be a part of your daily life and thanking him for everything we have and through appreciation we will be able to find our passion and purpose in life and give back... even if it is only a pair of shoes......

Chances for Children is the organization i do volunteer work for (blog story soon) their orphanage in Haiti, Creche de L'Enfant Jesus, is in need of infant and children shoes.. if you would like to donate gently used or new shoes please go to for an address to send them to or contact me. Thank you!

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