
4 backpacks and 4 lunch boxes.....There is a blog story somewhere on my blog about the words of the song "Don't Blink"(Kenny Chesney)...."Don't Blink.. just like that your 6 years old and you take a nap and you wake up and your twenty-five....Trust me friend, a hundred years goes by faster than you think....so don't blink.... I have a 6 -1/2 year old (gabi) a 6 year old (bella) a 4 year old (neyvada) and a 3 year old (matteya) these sweet darlings are no longer the babies and little toddlers i tucked lovingly in cribs. They are big girls now (like they like to be called ) growing so fast and it is true the older you get, the faster the time goes by ..today (all very excited) they are going into First grade, Kindergarten, pre-kindergarten and pre-k3.. and in one blink they will be graduating from college and starting a life of their own....so i am going to try not to blink , capture and treasure every smile , frown, tear and laughter... "you can't flip it over and start again, take every breath God gives you for what its worth...Don't Blink..."Very proud of you Gabi , Bella, Teya and Vada!!!!!
To My Daughters....You're a precious thought to me... A treasure to my heart.... You're a daughter who has played A very special part....All the beauty life can give Is summarized in you. I am proud and I am glad that life presented you. In your own compelling way I see that you're unique. I am confident you'll reach the very goals you seek. Your growth and progress always are so charming to behold.... It is such a wondrous thing to watch your life unfold.... All my love and all my hopes give time a special hue.... All my days and all my years are full because of you......~Unknown
So true! Where did that precious cooing little baby go? I'm so, so, so thankful to be called mama by my little Chapina as I know you are too! Wishing you all a wonderful school year!
Great pictures of those beautiful girls. Hope they all had a great first day. Oh, I love that song. I think I need to put it on my iPod to keep reminding me of that.
thank you laurie, hope Bella has a great year as well!!
thanks so much phyllis, they had a great week so far, they are all happy.. yes it is a song for all of us to listen too often , it is easy to forget...
oh my. how could not cry as they went off to school? they look so cute and so beautiful all at once. sniff sniff.....
Oh they look so CUTE (as always). I bet their teachers ADORE them!
You must be so pruod. you girls are beautiful and yes, unique in their own special way. what great photos for posterity -- the day they all went off to school.
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