thanks Ga and papa for my ballet dress.. .jpg)
big sister gabi....(6 1/2 yrs old).jpg)
little sister Matteya (3 years old).jpg)
teya, bella, izzy vada and gabi.jpg)
friend izzy.jpg)
me and my super awesome friend and izzys mommy Brenda....jpg)
little sister Neyvada (4 years old).jpg)
vada and bella looking super cool....jpg)
Happy 6th Birthday Bella......... wow... it is hard to beleive that beautiful Anabella is 6 years old already .....Bella was born in Mixco Guatemala and lived at Eagles Nest orphanage for 13 months, Bella came forever home at 14 months . Bella was not able to sit up at 14 months when she came home, she was so weak and fragile. .. She is such a strong little girl and strong willed.. she was crawling by 16 months and with a lot of hard work walking by 18 months. She has come a long way in such a short time..She is an amazing little girl and has learned so much and did so well in pre-school this past year , Anabella will begin kindergarten next month with a great head start... She loves dressing like a princess and is a fashion girl who loves to wear pink and dresses and do her own hair.....Bella celebrated her birthday today with her 3 sisters and friend Izzy at a wonderful hotel water park. We had pizza, cheetos, and a pink princess birthday cake. A water slide and lazy river was the perfect way to spend the day... We love you Princess Bella and we are very proud of you...
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!! Love, Amy
Happy belated to the beautiful bithday princess! Looks like such a fun day.
Happy Birthday!! What an amazing little girl and so beautiful! My daughter had the exact same start...came home at 13ish months from an orphanage. Your family is so beautiful!
Happy belated birthday precious Princess! I wish you could come give my Bella some princess lessons! :)
Hi. found your blog. your daughters are all so sweet. oh, to have four daughters would be wonderful! they look to be pretty close in ages too. oh how proud of them you must be. love your site.
Happy belated birthday to the princess! Found your blog through Gardenia's. My youngest is from Mixco too. About as opposite as can be though...big tomboy who loves horses and hates anything pink or 'girly' :)Your girls are darling.
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