their 7 precious children...

(can not post pictures of them yet.. )
Some blogger buddies are hosting a virtual baby shower for my friend Amy. YOU are invited. If you would like to participate or help host the shower then read away! We are glad you came. :0) Amy could really use our help and support. I hope we can all let her know how much we care.
My dear friend Amy and her husband Todd are expecting 5 babies.... Yes you read that correctly. FIVE! Nope- no typos. She is expecting 5!!! The due date is projected to be 4-6 weeks from today and she just found out she was going to have 5 more babies 2 days ago. :0) AMAZING! You think THAT is amazing??? Wait till you hear this...
Some blogger buddies are hosting a virtual baby shower for my friend Amy. YOU are invited. If you would like to participate or help host the shower then read away! We are glad you came. :0) Amy could really use our help and support. I hope we can all let her know how much we care.
My dear friend Amy and her husband Todd are expecting 5 babies.... Yes you read that correctly. FIVE! Nope- no typos. She is expecting 5!!! The due date is projected to be 4-6 weeks from today and she just found out she was going to have 5 more babies 2 days ago. :0) AMAZING! You think THAT is amazing??? Wait till you hear this...
She already has 7 children at home. Now she will add 5 more beautiful babies to their family. Now this family needs 5 more beds, 5 more car seats, 5 more dressers, 5 more seats at the table, clothes for 5 more, etc. etc. And no, they have no idea what they are going to drive! The new kiddo's are a sibling group of five coming to them through the foster system -but they are no longer foster children because this precious family is adopting them. They are ages 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
Amy and Todd are the most amazing couple with unselfish hearts that follow God's plan for them without fear of the unknown.....
If you would like to help this precious family get ready for God's gift of 5 more children please go to: and read her blog about the virtual baby shower:o)for Amy.. and where to send a gift....How EXCITING!!! Congratulations to the Block Family!!!
Thanks for telling others about Amy.
I love your blog. I added you to my follower list, so I won't miss a post.
Oh my goodness...this just gave me goosebumps...I haven't talked to Amy in the last couple of weeks..They are such amazing people...! Thanks for sharing Doreen...
By the way, I have loved reading your blog.
Take Care...give the girls a big hug from me (even though they don't remember me)
Thanks so much Michelle, Hugs... and we are praying for Abby.. doreen
Thank you Felis, and yes Todd and Amy are just Awesome and have the biggest hearts of anyone i know...thanks for reading my blog and the compliment..and i will give the girls hugs..i love your blog too:o)doreen
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