The best thing about giving a gift for a child is knowing that someone loves them enough to give them a gift.....this is a part of the letter sent to me from my friend Rosa in Guatemala describing how Silvia's ( a mother of 10 in Guatemala): " Dear Doreen, I don’t want to leave this opportunity without saying thanks so much for all you do for the Guatemalan children. I am so happy to be part of this team to be able to help them. We have received the box last night and I will be happy to give the things to the different families. The same night I called Silvia to let her know that I have some things for her children on your name. She came the next morning and she told me that the children couldn’t sleep because they were very excited of receiving the gifts the next morning. Silvia says thanks so much for giving her children things that they cannot give them at this moment. Silvia is a woman of faith...." I have never met Silvia and her children , but i feel so much love for them and feel much sadness for their very poor situation that i help them when ever i get the opportunity. It is so important to focus on ways to help others who are less fortunate, specially during holidays. Children love the suprise of getting a gift and it melted my heart when she said "the children could not sleep all night because of their excitement of getting a gift...." I have reminded my girls many times this holiday that Christmas is just not about a season of receiving, it is also a time of giving... and before that box got sent to Guatemala Gabi , Bella, Teya and Neyvada all put some of their things in that box....I am so thrilled that Silvia and her children (and many others) had a Merry Christmas and smiles all night long because they know someone here loves them very much.....
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Feliz Navidad...

I hope you all had a very Merry Chritmas , filled with the Grace of our New Born Savior Jesus Christ.... The girls had a very nice Chritmas. We went to mass on Christmas eve and then to the horse farm and took a hay ride to see lights.. Christmas morning they were thrilled to see the new bikes and gifts Santa brought all the way from the north pole. I will post Christmas day pics soon.
May the New Year bring you abundant Blessings of prosperity, hope, and love. God Bless You...
Happy Adoption Day...

Actually this Christmas we have 2 adoption days to celebrate.... i forgot to post Matteya's (sorry Teya). Matteya's adoption day was 2 days before Thanksgiving , she came home on Thanksgiving Day 2006..Matteya has been home 2 years now. At 2-1/2 she is an amazing little girl who is already potty trained, she understand spanish and can count to 20 in both languages.
She has a spunky little personality and loves reading and asking "why"...She loves to color, paint and play baby. She loves hanging out with her big sisters and sleeping until 8:00 every day:o)
Gabriela's adoption day was Christmas eve. Gabi come home on Christmas day 2003. Gabi is delightful fun loving little girl with a huge smile. Gabi has her moment with her sisters ,but she has a huge heart and is very kind to others. She is in kindergarten and loves school. She takes spanish and is in martial arts. She can read starter books and loves to ride her bike and is very proud she can ride with no training wheels:o)
Happy Adoption Day to both Gabi and Teya !! We are so grateful for adoption and the day God brought you forever home to our family....Every day is joy with both of you in it...and we love you.....
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
122 goodie bags...

Helen Keller...... "I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
What did Gabi, Bella, Teya and Vada do with 122 goodie bags we made ? They handed one to each of the children staying at the childrens homeless shelter . Many of the children were taken at the border ,crossing over to seek a better life. Most of them Guatemalan ,all of them precious....ages 13 - 17, girls and boys. I received a call just a few days before to put together a little something for these children to get as there holiday pasada came to an end. I did the best i could with the few days i had and enjoyed every second of it.... i can not show you their faces in my pictures , but they are beautiful, i can not show you their faces but they were happy they had eachother, but sad i am sure, not knowing where they will be sent to and where there family is...i was sad and happy when i left there. My heart was happy to give and help and was very grateful to be a part of their event (and the girls handed out each bag was important to me they be a part of this giving back... ) and so sad for these children because at this moment having no mom or dad to call out to, to cry to or to just get a hug .. and wondering when they may see their family..........and be safe in their arms again...It was a Christmas celebration of giving from the heart and a way for my girls to learn compassion for others....Thank you Oscar and Olga for iviting us to help and share in your special event for these special children...and bless your hearts for everything you do for them!
Happy 65th Birthday Ga (grandma)!!

My mom turned 65 years old last week. She is beautiful and looks great at 65! Happy Birthday mom. Thanks for the things you gave to me: love, tears, sacrifice, devotion and your heart... Thanks for loving me with a never-failing love. I am a mom now and it's alot of hardwork mixed together with alot of joy... Everyday i try my best to be a mom like you were to me... We love you and happy Birthday!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The True Spirit of Christmas....

Sometimes I'd like to ask God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice when he could do
something about it...... I 'm afraid God might ask me the same question."
San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation...San Carlos Reservation is one of the poorest Native American communities in the United States, with the median annual household income being approximately $14,000. About 60% of the people live under the poverty line,, and one-fourth of the active labor force is unemployed. The population is about 12,000. So many people , so many families and so many children without a Christmas gift. Our church did something ...along with me, Gabi , my father, my friend Brenda, her daughter and Gabi's friend Izzy and our friend Boyd, and many awesome volunteers ended up taking 14 vehicles plus the St. Vincent truck and two additional vehicles delivering Christmas gifts , household items , toys, food , bikes, clothes, furniture, shoes...that will be givien to the most in need. Our very giving parish members also gave enough to give many gift certs for food and money to repair and buy things they are in desperate need of. It was the most memorable and amazing trip. We all worked very hard unloading the vehicles. After we unloaded the vehicles (Gabi and Izzy both 6 years old , helped unload. We are very proud of them) Father Geno and Sister Georgia ( big thank you hugs to both of them for everything they do) took us to see the beautiful church and after Father Geno gave us a little history, the kindergarten class came and sang about 6 Christmas songs..the children were precious... After they sang Brenda gave them bags of magical reindeer food .. that helps make all your wishes come true...and before they left i just wated to give them all a Christmas hug and to let them know we care.. it was a moment i will never forget..many of them lined up just to get a hug...It was an experience ..... one that will help all of us enjoy the "true meaning"of Christmas......... the gift of giving and making a difference.
something about it...... I 'm afraid God might ask me the same question."
San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation...San Carlos Reservation is one of the poorest Native American communities in the United States, with the median annual household income being approximately $14,000. About 60% of the people live under the poverty line,, and one-fourth of the active labor force is unemployed. The population is about 12,000. So many people , so many families and so many children without a Christmas gift. Our church did something ...along with me, Gabi , my father, my friend Brenda, her daughter and Gabi's friend Izzy and our friend Boyd, and many awesome volunteers ended up taking 14 vehicles plus the St. Vincent truck and two additional vehicles delivering Christmas gifts , household items , toys, food , bikes, clothes, furniture, shoes...that will be givien to the most in need. Our very giving parish members also gave enough to give many gift certs for food and money to repair and buy things they are in desperate need of. It was the most memorable and amazing trip. We all worked very hard unloading the vehicles. After we unloaded the vehicles (Gabi and Izzy both 6 years old , helped unload. We are very proud of them) Father Geno and Sister Georgia ( big thank you hugs to both of them for everything they do) took us to see the beautiful church and after Father Geno gave us a little history, the kindergarten class came and sang about 6 Christmas songs..the children were precious... After they sang Brenda gave them bags of magical reindeer food .. that helps make all your wishes come true...and before they left i just wated to give them all a Christmas hug and to let them know we care.. it was a moment i will never forget..many of them lined up just to get a hug...It was an experience ..... one that will help all of us enjoy the "true meaning"of Christmas......... the gift of giving and making a difference.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

The greatest Joy…..Giving
The greatest loss…..Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work…..Helping others
The ugliest personality trait…..Selfishness
The most endangered species…..Dedicated leaders
The greatest "shot in the arm"…..Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome…..Fear
The greatest loss…..Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work…..Helping others
The ugliest personality trait…..Selfishness
The most endangered species…..Dedicated leaders
The greatest "shot in the arm"…..Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome…..Fear
Most effective sleeping pill…..Peace of mind.
The most crippling failure disease…..Excuses....
The most powerful force in life…..Love.
The most dangerous pariah…..A gossiper.
The world's most incredible computer…..The brain.
The worst thing to be without…..Hope.
The deadliest weapon…..The tongue
The two most power-filled words….."I Can"
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
14 more days.... Santa...

I took the girls to see Santa.They waited patiently for him to arrive , they had their toy magazine in hand ready to sit and show him their very long wish list... Santa and Mrs. Clause came by mercedes.. the reindeer must be resting for the 24th:o) Matteya is still not a fan and cried when put on his lap , so i put her on his lap and they took a very quick picture.. maybe next year she will be jolly to see him..
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Congratulations Amy , Todd and Family!
Congratulations to Todd and Amy who are in the process of adopting a sibling group of 5, 4 of these precious children have come forever home to their forever family.... they are now a family of 13 and with hopes and prayers the baby girl of the sibling group will join them soon.....
In my Christmas letter this year I wrote that " we pray for for all the children in the world to someday have the love of a forever family... what an awesome Christmas gift that would be..."
What an "awesome Christmas gift" this family and these children have received ......the forever gift of love and hugs..
If you have the love in your heart... Love in your heart to help the poor, those who suffer and those who are orphans and make the decision to help, God will make a way... and with the no fear of the "what ifs.." or "unknowns", that is what Todd and Amy did..They listened and followed Gods plan they knew was there in front of them... they are both amazing people..We thank God for continuing to encourage them and all of us to help.......He gives purpose to our lives.. all we have to do is listen...
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